Human Resource Development
Human resources are critical for effective agricultural research. Using ASTI data, the trends in staffing of R&D institutes are reviewed, including the competition for staff with faculties of agriculture. With a high percentage of staff trained in the 1980’s, a significant gap in capacity at an advanced degree level is developing and is further hampered by high staff turnovers and an aging scientist pool for many countries. The session addresses the issue of how to fill the MSc and PhD gap in the near term future, at the same time addressing capacity in faculties of agriculture. These faculties face numerous challenges such as attracting top students, meeting the growing demand for skills by the private sector and NGOs, assuring quality in MSc and PhD degrees programs, participating in regional initiatives and networks, and balancing the role of research in agricultural faculties in relationship to the quality of higher degree training. Alternative suppliers and methods of agricultural degree training were considered, including CGIAR centers, distance education, and obtaining agricultural degrees outside Africa.
Working Papers
- Suresh Chandra Babu, Irene Annor Frempong, and Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere: Enhancing Capacity for African Agricultural Research: Conceptual Framework, Models, and Lessons Paper Presentation
- Nienke Beintema and Michael Rahija. Human Resource Allocations in African Agricultural Research: What Do The Data Tell Us? Paper Presentation
- Joyce Lewinger Moock: Network Innovations: Building the Next Generation of Agricultural Scientists in Africa Paper
- Louis Sène, Frikkie Liebenberg, Mick Mwala, Festus Murithi, Séraphine Sawadogo, and Nienke Beintema. Staff Aging and Turnover in Agricultural R&D: Lessons from Five National Agricultural Research Institutes in Africa Paper En français Presentation
Case studies
- Aissetou Drame-Yaye, Sebastian Chakeredza, and August B. Temu. Why Agricultural Faculties Have Not Been Able To Attract Good Students
Paper - Frikkie Liebenberg. Staff Aging and Turnover in African Agricultural Research: A Case Study on the Agricultural Research Council and the Faculties of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Sciences Paper
- Mick S. Mwala and Moses Mwala. Staff Aging and Turnover Agricultural Research: A Case Study on Zambia Agricultural Research Institute Paper
- Festus Murithi and Caroline Minayo. Staff Aging and Turnover in Agricultural Research: A Case Study on Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Paper
- Patrick Okori. Capacity Building in Agricultural Research: A Case Study on Uganda’s Makerere University Paper
- Séraphine Kaboré Sawadogo, Issa Ouédraogo, and Traoré San. Staff Aging and Turnover Agricultural Research: A Case Study on Burkina Faso Environment and Agricultural Research Institute Paper En français
- Louis Sène. Staff Aging and Turnover Agricultural Research: A Case Study on Senegalese Agricultural Research Institute
Paper En français
Other materials
- Summary panel discussion How to Address Training Needs Summary
© ASTI/IFPRI/CGIAR 2011-2012