Colombia: ASTI–CORPOICA Ficha Técnica -Indicadores de I+D Agropecuario
Tras años de estancamiento, el apoyo gubernamental para I+D agropecuario aumentó con el lanzamiento de la Agenda Nacional de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en el 2011 y con reformas significativas en el sistema nacional de regalías. Corpoica, principal entidad de I+D agropecuario de Colombia, se ha beneficiado enormemente de estos avances.
Stads, Gert-Jan; Romano, Luis
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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After a decade of strong growth during the 1980s, the expansion of overall agricultural research capacity in Colombia stalled in the mid-1990s. In 2006 the country as a whole employed roughly 1,000 fte scientists involved in agricultural R&D. A rapid fall in the number of research staff at CORPOICA combined with increased agricultural research activities undertaken by producer associations, higher education agencies, and government agencies other than CORPOICA have increasingly diversified the institutional structure and focus of agricultural R&D in Colombia.