ASTI’s interactive country pages allow users to access detailed investment and human resource trends in agricultural research and download factsheets and other information.
ASTI’s benchmarking tools allow users to rank and compare agricultural research investment and capacity levels across countries for Africa south of the Sahara, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia and North Africa.
ASTI’s data download tool allows users to explore in-depth datasets on agricultural research spending and staffing in numerous low- and middle-income countries and to filter the data by country and indicator.
ASTI’s agency directory provides a view of agencies that conduct agricultural research in each country, along with their locations and key agency-level indicators.
ASTI-AWARD’s women in African agricultural research data portal provides detailed sex-disaggregated data on human resources in agricultural research.
ASTI-RUFORUM’s African agricultural higher education capacities portal offers detailed data on teaching staff in agricultural higher education in African countries.
CGIAR data tool summarizes the financial and human resource data published in the annual CGIAR Finance Reports for all centers, CRPs, and CGIAR as whole.