Brasil: ASTI–EMBRAPA–BID Ficha Técnica -Indicadores de I+D Agropecuario
El sistema de investigación agropecuaria de Brasil es, por mucho, el más extenso de la región, en términos de la capacidad y el gasto en investigación. Casi la mitad de todos los investigadores agropecuarios se encuentran vinculados a Embrapa, la principal entidad de I+D agropecuario del gobierno federal, y un cuarto de ellos trabaja en organizaciones estatales de investigación agro-pecuaria (OEPAS, por sus iniciales en portugués).
Kathleen Flaherty, Rosana do Carmo Nascimento Guiducci, Danielle Alencar Parente Torres, Graciela Luzia Vedovoto, Antônio Flávio Dias Ávila, and Sandra Perez
International Food Policy Research Institute and Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation.
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Brazil’s agricultural research system is by far the region’s largest, in terms of both research capacity and spending. Almost half of all agricultural researchers are employed by the main federal government agency, Embrapa, and a further quarter are employed by the state agricultural research organizations (OEPAS).
During 2006–2013, agricultural R&D spending rose by 46 percent due to growth at Embrapa and in the higher education sector, particularly among federal universities. At 1.82 percent, spending as a share of AgGDP is the highest in Latin America.
Beintema, Nienke; Avila, Flavio; Fachini, Cristina
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); and Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA)
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Many developing and developed countries are experiencing stagnant and even declining investment in public agricultural research. Expenditure is increasing in only a few of the larger and often more advanced developing countries. Brazil ranks third in the developing world in terms of public agricultural R&D investments after China and India. After a period of stable or declining expenditure levels, total public agricultural R&D spending has increased substantially in recent years due to renewed commitment to agricultural R&D on the part of the Brazilian government.