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Stads, Gert-Jan; Santos, Luis de los




ASTI, The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

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Very small R&D system

Compared to most other countries in Central America, Belize’s agricultural research system is very small, employing less than 10 FTE researchers in 2020. The country lacks a critical mass of highly qualified researchers needed for the conception, execution, and management of high-quality research, and for effective communication with policymakers, donors, and other stakeholders.

Institutional fragmentation

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Gert-Jan Stads, Keith Wiebe, Alejandro Nin-Pratt, Timothy B. Sulser, Rui Benfica, Fasil Reda, and Ravi Khetarpal




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Further information

This publication appeared as a chapter in IFPRI’s Global Food Policy Report 2022

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Research and innovation are critical not only to increase agricultural productivity in the face of climate change, but also to transform global agrifood systems through improved efficiency and resilience in achieving social, economic, nutritional, and environmental goals.

Investment in agricultural research and innovation by larger middle-income counties has expanded substantially in recent decades, but investments, especially in smaller low- and middle-income countries, are too small to address future impacts of climate change across food systems.

Construir un caso para aumentar la inversión en investigación agrícola en África

Submitted by astiadmin on
La inversión en investigación y desarrollo experimental (I+D) en el sector agrario se asocia positivamente con un alto rendimiento, pero éste tarda en desarrollarse, a menudo décadas. En consecuencia, el desfase inherente entre el inicio de la investigación y la adopción de nuevas tecnologías exige una financiación sostenida y estable de la I+D. En 2016, África invirtió solo el 0,39% de su producto interior bruto agrícola (PIBA) en I+D agrícola, frente al 0,54% del año 2000.
Gert-Jan Stads, Alejandro Nin-Pratt, and Nienke Beintema
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Instituto Internacional de Investigación en Políticas Alimentarias

Arguments en faveur de l’augmentation des Investissements dans la recherche agricole en afrique

Submitted by astiadmin on
Les investissements dans la recherche et le développement expérimental (R&D) agricoles sont positivement associés à des rendements élevés, mais ces rendements prennent du temps - souvent des décennies - pour se développer. Par conséquent, le décalage inhérent entre le début de la recherche et l'adoption de nouvelles technologies nécessite un financement soutenu et stable de la R&D. En 2016, l'Afrique n'a investi que 0,39 % de son Produit Intérieur Brut Agricole (PIBA) dans la R&D agricole, contre 0,54 % en 2000.
Gert-Jan Stads, Alejandro Nin-Pratt, and Nienke Beintema
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Publié par
Institut international de recherche sur les politiques alimentaires
Publication Region

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Gert-Jan Stads, Alejandro Nin-Pratt, and Nienke Beintema




African Union

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This report presents evidence that economies of scale and scope are critical drivers behind the performance of agricultural R&D systems, emphasizing the critical importance of R&D collaboration and coordination among countries. Small countries generally record much lower returns to agricultural R&D compared to their larger counterparts, and their R&D efforts have been less effective in reducing poverty and malnutrition, two of CAADP’s main goals.

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Gert-Jan Stads, Alejandro Nin-Pratt, and Nienke Beintema




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Further information

The summary report is available in the following languages:

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This report presents evidence that economies of scale and scope are critical drivers behind the performance of agricultural R&D systems in Africa, emphasizing the importance of R&D collaboration and coordination among countries. Small African countries generally record much lower returns to agricultural R&D compared to their larger counterparts, and their R&D efforts have been less effective in reducing poverty and malnutrition, two of CAADP’s main goals.

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Gary Alex




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This review complements a data set of estimates of USAID funding for agricultural research, extension, and education over the period 1950 to 2017. For most of this period, agriculture was a priority investment area for USAID as a means of preventing famine, spurring economic growth, reducing rural poverty, promoting political stability, and conserving natural resources. Agricultural research, extension, and education together came to be considered the core of the agricultural knowledge and information systems (AKIS), key to innovation necessary to increase production and productivity.

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Gert-Jan Stads, Alejandro Nin Pratt, Norah Omot, and Nguyen Thi Pham




International Food Policy Research Institute, Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions

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Southeast Asia made considerable progress in building and strengthening its agri­cultural R&D capacity during 2000–2017. All of the region’s countries reported higher numbers of agricultural researchers, improvements in their average qualification lev­els, and higher shares of women participating in agricultural R&D. In contrast, regional agricultural research spending remained stagnant, despite considerable growth in agricultural output over time.

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Nienke Beintema, Alejandro Nin Pratt, and Gert-Jan Stads




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

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After a decade of sluggish growth in the 1990s, global agricultural research spending grew by 50 percent during 2000–2016, mostly driven by China and other large middle-income countries. Concurrently, spending in high- income countries stalled, ending the period with negative growth, while global investments by the private-for profit sector doubled. These trends caused the middle-income country share of total global investments to increase from 40 to 58 percent during the 2000–2016 period.

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Nienke M. Beintema and Ruben G. Echeverría




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

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The global health crisis due to Covid-19—with its poverty and food security implications, combined with ongoing food system, climate change, and ecosystem sustainability challenges—only reinforces the need for a robust international public research system focusing on applied agricultural research. Given its half century of historically recorded achievements through a broad network of global partnerships, the CGIAR will be well positioned to address these challenges, assuming it receives the necessary levels of funding to do so.

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